Why subscribe?

Artificial intelligence and a growing digitization is driving our lives. Yet, instead of a smart data management we see more and more applications with their own data silos.

I created the FAIR Data Digest to promote FAIR data (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and Open Science, as well as to give you a behind the scenes of a computer scientist working with cultural heritage data.

Stay up-to-date and learn something new

Every Tuesday at 10am you can expect updates about my work as a data manager at the Royal Library of Belgium that includes event reports, code updates and interesting links about FAIR data, Open Science, Digital Humanities, Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs.

About the author

My name is Sven Lieber, I studied computer science at the University of Freiburg in Germany and did a PhD in Information Engineering Technology at the University of Ghent in Belgium.

I'm a curious person who likes to share interesting information. I believe that with FAIR data we can make the world a better place: freely accessible and up to date information that is readily available for both humans and machines.

My website with more info

Subscribe to FAIR Data Digest

CURRENTLY PATERNITY LEAVE. Notes on my work with (cultural heritage) FAIR data. Topics cover Programming, Open Science, Digital Humanities, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Metadata, data catalogs, Wikidata, RDF, SPARQL and the Semantic Web.


I am a computer scientist who works with Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data at the Royal Library of Belgium. My goal is to promote the use of FAIR data and Open Science.